Traditional Finances
Ensuring Sound
Financial Oversight
Port Houston’s financial team is responsible for ensuring sound oversight of finances, including financial reports, budgets, and data on revenues, expenditures, taxes, and more.
We are pleased to provide this and other information so that all stakeholders, including taxpayers, labor, industry partners, shippers, and community leaders may better understand how the public’s money is being used to promote economic development and international trade to benefit the region, state and nation.
The Transparency Stars program requires a local government to make available certain information relating to its traditional finances, including financial reports, budgets and data on revenues, expenditures and taxes.
Port Houston is pleased to provide this and other information so that all stakeholders, including taxpayers, labor, industry partners, shippers, and community leaders may better understand how the public’s money is being used to promote economic development and international trade to benefit the region, state, and the nation.
Should you have any questions on any of the transparency documents posted on this website, you may contact Port Houston’s Treasury Department at 713-670-2654 or 713-670-2405.
Please note that records older than the information shown below may be located in the Financial Archive.
Notice and Disclaimer: Information on this website is provided for general informational purposes only and not as a source of investor information. Investor information, including official statements and continuing disclosure, is publicly available on the Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board’s Electronic Municipal Market Access System (EMMA) website. No person should make an investment decision in reliance on the information on this website, nor does anything contained on this website constitute an offer to sell securities or the solicitation of an offer to buy securities. Information on this website, including any reports or other documents, only as of its date. By choosing to view the information on this website, you are acknowledging that you have read and understood and accept the terms of this Notice and Disclaimer.
These documents are available to download in PDF format or Microsoft Excel:
Financial Summaries
Financial Summaries
Special Purpose District Report
Property Tax Rate
Revenues and Expenditures
Traditional Finances Star 2016-1214
Annual Financial Reports
The Controller’s Office is responsible for operating a governmental accounting system to ensure that all financial transactions are conducted and reported in accordance with statutory requirements and generally accepted accounting principles, including pronouncements issued by the Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB). Beginning with the fiscal year ending 2021, the annual financial report name changed to the Annual Comprehensive Financial Report (ACFR). The report is usually completed within 120 days after the end of each fiscal year.
Annual Financial Reports
Operating and Capital Budgets
By statute, the Port Commission adopts an annual budget and one-year capital plan. Staff also prepares a mid-range (five-year) plan to be presented at an open meeting of the Port Commission, but that document is not required to be adopted. Budget reforecasts and updates may also be prepared. Note that these budgets do not include tax revenues or debt service payments related to Port Houston’s tax bonds.
Operating and Capital Budget
Five Year Plan
Check Registers
The check registers below reflect all disbursements made by Port Houston, whether paid via check, ACH transfer, wire transfer, or direct deposit. The payments are separated into three sections: (1) Payroll, (2) Operating, and (3) Promotion & Development.
Check Registers
Financial Statements (Unaudited)
Port Houston releases its monthly unaudited financial statements, including a balance sheet and income statement. Please note that the balance sheet includes all outstanding tax bonds issued by Port Houston as liabilities, however, the income statement does not reflect any tax revenues or debt service payments related to its tax bonds.
Financial Statements (Unaudited)
In accordance with Chapter 2256, Texas Government Code (“Public Funds Investment Act”), and its investment policy, Port Houston’s investment officer submits quarterly investment reports to the Port Commission.
Investment Policy
Internal Controls for Investments
Investment Disclosure
Investment Report
Internal Audit
By statute, Port Houston’s Chief Audit Executive is responsible for coordinating all audit activity, including compliance reviews, reviews of internal controls, investigations of alleged fraud or ethics violations, etc. A risk-based annual audit plan is also approved by the Port Commission and made available on this website.
Internal Audit
Other Audit Reports
This section contains audit reports performed by external auditors, including the most recent reports on federal grant programs.
Other Audit Reports
Promotion and Development Fund
By statute, Port Houston makes available information on Promotion and Development Fund expenditures, including details of Port Commissioner travel.
Promotion & Development Fund
P&D Audited Financial Statements
Port Houston’s Accounting Department is responsible for preparing reports on cargo and tonnage statistics.
Financial Statistics
Pro Forma Cash Flows
Vessel Calls
Total Tonnage
Steel Statistics
Revenue Tonnage
Operating Revenue
Container TEU History
Bulk Plant Tonnage
General Statistical Data Packet
Other Financial Information
Foreign Trade
Employees By Type
PDF documents are available in Adobe Portable Document Format. If you do not have Adobe Acrobat Reader, you may obtain a free copy of the software.
Need to know more?
For more information about connecting with someone in the Legal, Government, or Financial departments, explore Port Houston’s directory to find the right contact.