Channel Infrastructure

Advancing the
Houston Ship Channel

As the local advocate and non-federal sponsor for the Houston Ship Channel, Port Houston’s responsibilities encompass several essential channel development tasks to facilitate the free flow of commerce in and out of this vital waterway.

Channel Infrastructure

Explore Port Houston’s channel development tasks below:

  • Dredging
  • Dredged Material Area Management
    • Dredged Material Placement Areas are sites that accept soils dredged from the Houston Ship Channel. For the application of the dredged material placement agreement, click here.
  • Marine Construction Permits
    • Administration of permits for the construction of docks, bulkheads, wharves, etc. that encumber Port Houston property; submerged land leases. For dredging, marine construction permits and licensing information, click here.
  • Pipeline, Cable, and Transmission Line Licenses
    • Project management and administration of projects that encumber Port Houston property, including seismic exploration and right of entry. For licensing information, click here.
  • Houston Ship Channel
    • Project management and coordination of the project to deepen the ship channel to 46.5 ft. and widen it to 700 ft. Learn more.
  • Navigation Safety
    • Advise the U.S. Coast Guard on navigational safety issues of interest to Port Houston and the Houston Ship Channel.
  • New Initiatives
    • Electronic Navigation Systems (ENS) for increased safety and fewer delays during times of low visibility and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) for more efficient management of Port assets and infrastructure.

To receive information about Houston Ship Channel closures, sign up for the U.S. Coast Guard Vessel Traffic Service.

Need to know more?

For more information about connecting with someone in the Channel Infrastructure department, explore Port Houston’s directory to find the right contact.