Emergency Management

Emergency preparedness,
response, recovery
& mitigation

The Office of Emergency Management plans and prepares for incidents effecting personnel and/or operations and works to get back to normalcy as quickly and safely as possible. Our Emergency Management team addresses needs ranging from pandemics to hurricane preparedness and response. When disaster strikes, we are ready to deploy personnel and equipment like our Mobile Command Center or activate our Emergency Operations Center. Emergency Management also maintains all radio equipment across all Port Houston terminals.

Office of Emergency Management

The Office of Emergency Management is responsible for the preparedness, response, recovery and mitigation of emergencies and major disasters at Port Houston. This includes; disasters caused by nature or human error, terrorism and security emergencies and technological incidents. Emergency Management is also responsible for many of the resources that are used before, during and after an emergency, including: a Mobile Command Center, an Emergency Operations Center, all Public Safety radio equipment and mass emergency notifications.

Mass emergency notifications within Port Houston are disseminated by the PortAlert system. PortAlert is a three-pronged notification system consisting of direct notifications, outdoor warning sirens, and Alertus Beacons.

Direct notification is a mass notification system capable of connecting two-way communications through text, email, and phone calls. At this time, direct alerting is only available to Port Houston employees.

Outdoor warning sirens sound alert tones and provide audible instructions during an emergency. Sirens serve to warn those working outside who may not have access to the PortAlert system such as truck drivers or visitors.

Emergency Management has launched its SMS opt-in system for Port Houston visitors, partners, and stakeholders to receive emergency alerts. These alerts will notify you only if there is action that needs to be taken such as shelter in place or terminal closure. To register for these alerts, text portalert to 65513. For questions or more information, email us at [email protected]

Need to know more?

For more information about connecting with someone at the Office of Emergency Management, explore Port Houston’s directory to find the right contact.