Dredging & Marine Permits & Licenses
Permits &
Parties wanting to use Port Houston property must submit an application with sufficient detail to allow for a thorough evaluation of the application. Permission to use Port Houston property for appropriate purposes is granted by license or permit. Channel Development manages certain licenses and permits.
Submissions & Payments
Please email all submittals to [email protected].
Need to pay an application or license fee?
Licenses are issued for new or modification of existing installations of pipelines, transmission or distribution lines, fiber optic lines, or cables. Licenses are also issued for monitoring wells, cathodic protection systems, and surface sites.
Right of Entry & Temporary Access
Parties seeking temporary access to Port Houston property for a specified entry use, such as survey work, should submit a temporary access license application.
Marine construction permits are issued for new construction or modification of marine structures such as docks, mooring pilings, spud barges, and dredging, and marine uses such as barge fleeting or staging. Applicants are encouraged to consult with Channel Development concerning the types and levels of detail required. Applicants whose projects require a Federal, City, or County permit are encouraged to apply for that permit concurrent with this application.
Leases are issued for the use of Port Houston owned or managed submerged land for barge fleeting and staging, industrial, commercial, or similar use.
Dredged Material Placement Agreements
Parties proposing to use Port Houston owned dredged material placement areas (DMPA) for their dredging project should submit a dredged material placement agreement application. The application will be processed concurrently with the USACE permit application. Seventy-five percent of the dredged material placement fee must be paid prior to execution of the agreement and the balance upon completion of the work.
NOTE: Performing work on Port Houston property or submerged lands owned by the Port Houston without an executed license/permit is a serious offense. In the event of unauthorized work on Port Houston property, such unauthorized installations are subject to removal (at violator’s expense) and violators may be subject to penalties.
Applications & Resources
Application Checklist
Application – New License or Amendment
Application – License Transfer
Application – License Renewal
Application – New Permit
Application – Permit Amendment
Application – Permit Transfer
Application – Temporary Access License
Application – Dredged Material Placement Agreement
Fee Schedule for Licenses and Permits
Qualification for License
PTRA Specifications
Application – Barge Fleeting/Barge Staging Lease & Permit
Fee Schedule for Barge Fleeting Permits and Leases
Qualifications for Submerged Land Lease
Submitting Documents and Payments
Minimum Insurance Requirements
Record Drawing Standards